Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Classic Duel

To kick off this blog, we're gonna take a trip back in time to about two years ago, when either Cir L'Bert or myself (Nick Fulton) started the beast duels.

Beast 1: A pack of wolves: The gray wolf lives in packs anywhere from 2-20, with the average being 8. Height is 24-36". Weight varies from 70-130 lb. 4.5-6.5' from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail. High stamina. Can eclipse speeds of up to 40 mph.

Beast 2: A great white shark: 20' long. 5,000 lb. Multiple rows of teeth. Can eat up to 30lb. of flesh per bite.

Conditions: Hypothetical-- an environment in which both the shark and the pack of wolves can navigate equally (in comparison to their normal environment).

Battle: Battle Royale. Last beast standing is the victor.

So who wins in a fight to the death-- a pack of wolves or a great white shark?

The traditional answer, of course, was a pack of wolves were clearly to be victorious. However, this was under the assumption that the pack of wolves was a large one-- 15 or more. So what about the pack of 8?

My initial reaction, I'm ashamed to say, was that a great white would win. Upon further analysis though, that answer is incorrect. To see why, one must look at the scenario more deeply. Wolves are adept at hunting in packs; so how do they hunt a shark? Surround it, perhaps even using one of the pack members as "bait." While the shark is advancing towards one or two, the rest of the wolves can jump onto the shark's back, where they'll be in much less physical danger and will be able to attack more safely.

In this edition of Beast Duels, the spoils go to the pack of wolves! Congratulations wolf pack!