"Prawns" vs. the "NA'Vi"
I've decided to discount Sandra Bullock in this argument, as I'm fairly certain that making eye contact with her turns you to stone, and that kind of goes against the spirit of the competition.
Anyways, this battle isn't really about who would win out of giant smurfs with arrows versus jumbo shrimps with lasers. If you look deeper into the metaphors of the films (and thanks for not shoving them down our throats, James Cameron and dude-from-South-Africa), it's really about people of the slums versus tree-hugging hippie douchebags.
It's a pretty obvious winner here. I think I could probably take out an entire Phish concert with a single blow, but I've driven through Detroit once in my life and you're high as hell if you think I'm ever going to that piece of shit excuse for a city again without full-body Kevlar. That place makes the opening 15 minutes of Saving Private Ryan look like someone held a Christmas party on a rainbow.
So congrats Prawns, you win. I mean, if you consider having to live in the bad part of South Africa winning.