Friday, October 12, 2007

"The Velociraptor Rule"

After a long and totally unnecessary hiatus, your favorite blog about animals fighting to the death is back!

In this installment, we’ll look at a three-fold duel involving one of the most ferocious beasts to ever have lived: the velociraptor*. Thanks to the research conducted by Dr. John Hammond, we have a very accurate portrayal of both the lifestyle and attack methods of the great velociraptor.

Duel 1: Tyrannosaurus Rex vs. It's Weight In Velociraptors
The Setting: Open field
Battle Type: Battle Royale-- The competitors will fight to the death.

Tyrannosaurus Rex
  • The Tyrannosaurus Rex (I have coined an abbreviated version of it's name; from here on out, it shall be referred to as the "T. Rex") was roughly 43 feet in length and 7.5 tons in weight.
  • It could run up to approximately 25 MPH.
  • It had awkwardly small arms.
  • It was once believed to not be able to visually recognize movement; this notion was later discarded because that's a stupid thing to think.
  • Approximately 6 or 7 feet and 33 pounds.
  • Three curved claws on the hand.
  • Can run fast as fuck.
  • Hunts in packs.
  • Knows how to open doors.
Alright, math-time motherfuckers.

7.5 tons * 2000 lbs / 33 lbs per velociraptor = 454 velociraptors per T. Rex.

I'm sure T. Rex is Latin or some shit for king of the somethings, but there's no way that this Goliath could take down that many velociraptors. Has anyone seen the end of Jurassic Park? And that was just two or three big as hell raptors.

This honestly isn't close.

The Winner: The Velociraptors

Okay, so a few hundred raptors can kill something. Great information Nick, where can I donate this week's paycheck to keep fueling your research? Wait, dear readers, before you ship me all of your monies, let's look at something a little different. Do you remember in The Lost World, the little tiny dinosaurs that tried to eat that girl? I know you do.

That little bastard is known as the compsognathus. I shit you not, that's what it's called. This brings us right into the heart of the second battle...

Duel 2: A Velociraptor vs. It's Weight in Compsognathuses.
The Setting: Open Field
Battle Type: Battle Royale-- The competitors will fight to the death.
  • See above
  • 3 feet long and 6.5 pounds.
  • Bipedal with a long tail
  • Serrated back teeth
Alright, so we have 5 of these little guys fighting one velociraptor. This is actually a combat that has brought up a lot of controversy in the Beast Dueling world, which is strange because it's actually quite a simple victory.

The velociraptor has three clear advantages here. Any two of these would almost surely be enough for a victory, but all three makes it not even close.

  1. It has the claw. It's basically like having a cutlass attached to your body. If the pirates had figured out a way to make this happen, they'd still be around today instead of being depicted in shitty films by Australian douchebags. Yeah Bloom, I'm talking to you.
  2. It can run faster than I drive on the highway. Because I'm Chinese. There, I said it. Anyways, it's ability to run fast, coupled with the open field landscape, gives the velociraptor the huge advantage of being able to flee and recoup if things start to go awry for it.
  3. There are only five. Usually I am a big proponent of the "strength in numbers" theory (because I'm a weak pussy) but five tiny dinosaurs hardly provides a significant threat to the livelihood of the raptor.
The Winner: The Velociraptor

This leads us to something very interesting to be noted: the velociraptor won with it's body weight versus a much larger animal, and also thrived in a duel versus a number of smaller animals. What we can extrapolate from this is what I've dubbed The Velociraptor Rule

The Velociraptor Rule: A group of velociraptors can defeat any larger animal if their body weights are equal, and can defeat any smaller animal even if there are enough of them for their body weights to be equal.

The physical attributes of the raptor make this rule pretty undeniable. It's a quick, agile, and incredibly violent creature. In fact, I would go as far as to posit that even the Texas-sized meteor that killed the dinosaurs (or was that the size of the asteroid in Armageddon?) couldn't even stand up to an equal weight of raptors.

Which brings us to the third duel.

Duel 3: A Texas-Sized Meteor vs. It's Weight in Velociraptors
The Setting: Open Field
Battle Type: Battle Royale-- The competitors will fight to the death. Of course, since meteors don't qualify as a "living creature," we have to assume that it's destruction is roughly equivalent to its death.

  • See above
The Meteor
  • Since it's unknown the exact size and mass of the meteor in question, we'll have to make a few assumptions. To do this, we'll instead look at the state of Texas.
  • Texas has a population of 21 million.
  • Since Texas is nationally renowned for being full of fatties, we'll assume that the average weight of a Texan is 250 pounds (yeah, I'm being generous, I know).
  • It's a rock.
  • It has no neurological, musculoskeletal or respiratory system. Because it's a fucking rock.
So how many raptors is this? Well if a Texas-sized meteor weighs roughly the same as it's fatty population (which, let's be honest, is probably a good estimate), there would be 160 million velociraptors fighting it.

This brings us back to the strength in numbers theory. Although a meteor is a very sturdy, strong, and powerful being, it's hard for it to withstand the scraping claws of 160 million raptors. This is 320 million claws for Christ's sake. And what's the meteor gonna do to fight back? Fall on them? That shit might disrupt the atmosphere for a few million years, but there's no way it's landing on all 160 million raptors. It's just not that skilled. In the time after it lands, the meteor is essentially powerless.

Again, this is a clear victory.

The Winner: The Velociraptors

And so, what we have learned today about velociraptors clearly shows that it is a legendary beast dueler, with the smarts, skills, and chutzpah to take on even the fiercest, most numerous, and most inanimate of objects and still leave victorious.

Clever girl, indeed.

Alright guys, until next time, happy dueling!

*a note to the fundamentalist Beast Duelers: a velociraptor was a type of dinosaur, a creature that was sort of a cross between a lizard and a flightless bird that lived roughly around 500 B.C.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are my hero.