Friday, April 3, 2009

Some Spring Cleaning

No duel today, I'm just going to tie up some loose ends.

First of all, I'm gonna point out that you can now follow Beast Duels on Twitter.

I know, it's beyond exciting. It's a must have internet feature if you want to get text updates about my life such as:
  • What kind of sandwich I'm eating today
  • That I'm feeling sleepy
  • My reply to @whoeverthefuck that their youtube link was loltastic
How the fuck can you sleep at night without knowing this kind of vital information? I dare say that you cannot! So stop being an asshole and sign up. And hey, if you seem even remotely interesting, maybe I'll follow you too.

Since I'm mentioning the e-Community, I'm calling out all of my fellow duelers. That's right, I'm talking to you, kid with the kind of lazy eye that everyone has been too nice to ever make fun of you for.

I can't come up with all of these awesome duels on my own. Sometimes I need assistance from people who give me brilliant duel opportunities (Cir, Nate) or people who have no idea what they're talking about and need to be put in their place (Justin, Jake). So if you have an idea for a duel, leave me a comment or send me your idea on Twitter or facebook. And hey, if I use your idea, I'll even reimburse you for a small % of the revenue this site makes.

One last thing I wanted to bring up is that it's been brought to my attention that maybe having such a scathingly incendiary blog as this one may be detrimental in my future career as a doctor. See, apparently places of employment are scoping out potential employees, scouring through their facebooks, myspaces and blogs, looking to see if the person they're about to hire is a borderline alcoholic or Satan worshiper or something. So if anyone asks, my name is Todd and I go to OSU.

I think that whole thing sounds kind of paranoid anyway. Of course, it was my mom who told me about it, so it probably is just pretty paranoid.

I know what you're thinking. Yes, my mother reads Beast Duels. Which is kind of uncomfortable, knowing that she's read posts about me wanting to have a 3way with Megan Fox and Jessica Alba. But at the same time...

...look at how hot she is. It would be an insult to Megan* if I didn't mention wanting to hit that.

Shit, I would do horrible, horrible things to sleep with her. Unforgivable things. Nations would crumble. I'm not proud**.

I can't believe Shia-LeBouf-or-however-the-fuck-you-spell-it got to make out with her. Remember Transformers? The movie about alien robots flying to earth to take over our machines, where mechanical creatures morph into cell phones and giant cube-things control their lives? Well even with all of that shit, the most unrealistic part of the movie was that a hottie like Megan Fox would ever go for a geeky douche like Shia.


Man. Now I'm kinda pissed off. Somebody give me a duel to cheer me up.

*First name basis.
**I would be really, really fucking proud.

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