Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Chewbacca vs. Five Averagely Strengthed People

We all know Chewbacca, right?  The tall thing who looks vaguely like Bigfoot, but also kinda something from a beef jerky commercial?  So let's take Chewbacca (of Star Wars fame) and pit him against some people.

What a wookiee!
Why Chewbacca, you may ask.  How about because he's one of the most badass creatures in film history.  Want proof?  He makes being a wookiee sound fearful.  A wookiee.  Compare this to that cocktard pussy Russell Brand who ~wrote something and called it My Booky Wook.

Ugh.  Seriously?  Fuck that grimy British piece of shit.  I bet that dude constantly smells like soup.  Ooooh, look at me, I slur a lot, look at how charming.  Fuck you.  The fact that this dickhead gets to tag a chick like Katy Perry is proof that there is a God and he fucking hates all of us.

So like I've shown, since Chewie's so awesome let's have him fight multiple people of moderate strength.  I'm talking people who are not quite as tough as, say, a Pierce Brosnan-era James Bond, but still exponentially tougher than the aforementioned Russell Brand.  Probably something like any-woman-who's-ever-played-softball tough.  Like Demi Moore in GI Jane tough.

CGI is a hell of a drug

Chewbacca vs. 5 Average Strength Humans

This is clearly Chewbacca.  I imagine the fight goes a little something like this...

1) Subdues person A
2) Rips one of their limbs off
3) Proceeds to beat person B, C, D, and E to death with it

Using this method, the number of people he could beat is essentially infinity.  He'd be like the digits-in-Pi of mayhem.  The David Foster Wallace's Jest of killing. 

Basically, he'd be like a coprophiliac in zero gravity:  he would fuck that shit up.


1 comment:

Raggle Fraggle King said...

Hilarious. Great post!
I think you might take an interest in my blog. It's a Chuck Norris Facts/Jokes parody that uses Chewbacca instead. Hope you enjoy :)