Sunday, June 19, 2011

Period Movies

I was watching Jeopardy recently, and a category came up called Period Movies.

The answers to the questions ended up being things like Year One*.   They were NOT films such as the following:
  • 28 Days
  • 28 Days Later
  • 127 Hours
  • Monster
  • A River Runs Through It
  • The Crying Game
  • Red Dragon
  • Six Days, Seven Nights
  • Scent of a Woman
  • The Sting
  • Red Dawn
  • Crimson Tide
  • Pretty In Pink
  • Blood Diamond
  • The Fountain
  • Trainspotting
  • The Wrath of Khan
  • Raging Bull
  • Very Bad Things
  • Unstoppable
  • The Hurt Locker
  • The Fighter
  • Malice
  • True Grit
  • Snatch
  • There Will Be Blood
  • Blood Sport
  • The Thin Red Line
  • Sense and Sensibility
  • Life Is Beautiful
  • Reality Bites
  • Hot Fuzz
  • Blood Simple
  • First Blood
  • Misery
  • Anger Management

*seriously? Year One?  Year One.  That made it onto a Jeopardy episode? This garbage should be bleached out of our entire cultural awareness.  If aliens ever come to Earth, they won't hesitate to enslave us because they'll know we're retarded and can't take care of ourselves.

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