Sunday, April 21, 2013

You Are Watching You

Remember the days when surveillance was difficult? Leg work was required to find out where your mark was at all times. You followed them around, you snooped through their things when they weren't around, trying to find out any little piece of information that could make your work and the overall reason for it, worth it.

Believe it or not, there was actually a time in history when having a camera pointed at you 24/7 was a bad thing. People feared the idea of someone they didn't know personally or at all watching them go about private things like eating, sleeping and bathing.

Yeah, I’m with you that shit is cray. Now everybody makes sure to upload their meals to tumblr, check in wherever they are, and update their friends, family and complete strangers with their every movement. Every time they update our phones and computers, they make it easier than ever to share, stream and upload our lives, second by second, step by step.

In the 2000's, cameras began being installed at intersections in major metropolitan areas all over the US. Of course, this made people freak out. Who could have access to these cameras? Would they be used for more than the red-light patrols they were explained away as? Is this the government overstepping their bounds and taking us one step closer to a police state where any wrongdoing is instantly punished?

Ask the people who have been fired from their jobs because they posted some nonsense on Facebook or Twitter and because they use their real name, they are held accountable for everything they say digitally in their irl lives.

Explain this to me, why does the government need to tap your phone and use drones to spy on you, when you willingly post everything about yourself to unprotected websites? So you know how easy it is to take away everything someone has by removing access to their Facebook page? All anyone needs is the email address of the account and they can create a new password in a matter of moments. Don’t you ever remember hearing all those stories in the news of [insert email provider here] being hacked and losing millions of users personal info? Yeah it happens all the time. How long until all those nudes you uploaded to share with one person are smeared across your grandmas timeline and you’re getting a call from your boss telling you to clean out your desk, they don’t need someone from their company posting pictures of themselves all over the interwebs?

So before you check in at McDonald’s and notify your stalker that you’re grabbing a quick cup of coffee, ask yourself why George Orwell didn't have an Instagram.

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